Snow had fallen the day before and more was predicted for the morrow, so I was out and about, driving from one familiar location to another. Yet, it did not feel familiar at all. I arrived at an intersection and did not recognize it at all. Granted, I had made a conscious decision to take the parkway instead of North Avenue, in order to be present to the beauty. And that’s what I was doing, taking in the beauty. I was thinking that I could not be far from the turn onto North Avenue when I realized that I didn’t know where I was, or at least where on the parkway I was. Apparently, I had been so enchanted that I missed the turn onto North Avenue. The traffic light must have been green, I surmised, and I continued along, choosing consciously, to stay in beauty.

Had I been distracted rather than enchanted? Was I in fact not present when I meant to be present? Could I not pay attention to where I was going and take in beauty at the same time? Unsure, I continue along the way I have happened upon, marveling at the beauty around me.

Eventually, by another way, I arrive at my destination, and make a right turn into the parking lot of the store where I was headed. Yet another adventure awaits me as I meander about the store, all the hurry of accomplishment gone.

Back in the car, heading home, my intention to turn left is impeded by a concrete median. Had I arrived from the direction I intended, getting into this parking lot would have involved passing through a busy intersection and making a U-turn. It occurs to me that the route with more beauty also allowed for more ease. Perhaps, as with the wise men, who were advised in a dream to return by another way, this “other way” was the way I was meant to go.

Whatever the case, in being opened to beauty, I was open to flow, and it changed the course of my day.

This makes me wonder about beauty and openness and flow and ease. What would my days look like if I were to choose to be more open to the beauty of each moment? What about yours?


1 thought on “Lost in a Winter Wonderland”

  1. I love this contemplation. It reminds me why I take a certain route across South Minneapolis for the calm and beauty and, in summer, shade.

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