In this season of relaxing, spending time in nature, family gatherings and vacations, a new verb has emerged for me. It was in late July that I realized and named these activities as summering. I have not felt so present in summer since I was a child. Claiming summer as a verb has freed me somehow. I feel in harmony with the season that I am in.

I am like the honey bees gathering nectar and filling their hives with what will sustain them through the winter

The combs in my hive are filled with many many moments; moments of connection, of beauty, of relaxation and ease.

  • Connection with a grandchild as I am squeezed in a spontaneous hug, or pulled by the hand to “Come and see!”
  • Connection to creation as I kneel in the garden, feeling the warmth of the sun and smelling the earth, or take in a sunset as I stroll along the east side of Lake Michigan, sand squishing between my toes
  • Connection to my husband as we play Rummikub on the back porch after dinner, and to friends or extended family members as we relax in lawn chairs at a backyard picnic

Just as in March, there will come moments when I long for spring, so too have there been such moments this summer. At times, I have needed to rest and retreat. I am not exactly like the bees. But then, I get back to the season at hand, knowing that wintering will come.

Perhaps in September I will discover autumning!


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