Dream the Impossible
Dream the Impossible began with a prompt from my songwriting group, and was completed to meet a deadline. Originally written on…
We are All God’s People is a song I wrote when reflecting on just who God’s people are, and desiring a song that would allow me to express the truth that indeed, we are all God’s people. I was privileged to record it with members of the Tippecanoe Church Community and share it here with the accompaniment of drums and bass and a slide show.
Words and music by Betsy Gonwa ©2011
We are all God’s people.
All we on earth are all God’s people.
We are all God’s people.
All the people on earth
Open your eyes. See God among you.
Deep in your soul, sense God within you.
God’s image our blueprint, we are one.
A spark of the divine, reflected in all eyes
Everyone’s included. We are one.
We are all God’s people . . .
I am complete, not separate parts, my hands, my lips, my heart.
One body, soul and spirit, I am one.
Rather than hiding, fear and shame denying, I
choose to see myself with eyes of love.
We are all God’s people . . .
Judgment’s ways are hard and rigid, stop God’s love from flowing in.
We build walls with labels, boxes and rules.
God has a place at the table for all of me and each of us.
We are all connected. We are one.
We are all God’s people . . .