Windows 7 Lament

I wrote Windows 7 Lament to help me to say good-bye to an obsolete computer and the ease and comfort of using programs to which I had become accustomed. Perhaps these words will hold meaning for you, too, when you are moving from one way of bineg into another.

Words and Music by Betsy Gonwa © 2019

I don’t want to learn another thing. I’m just too old
I thought I was done with this a long time ago
I’ve tried all the things that I want to learn
But now there’s more and more and more to learn!
It never ends.
My brain is tired.

I want it to be the last first day of learning something new.
The last first day of frying my brain cells through.
Can’t it be the last first day technology comes through
With an update making headlines in the news.

In 2020 Windows 7’s going going gone
And my computer can’t do Windows 10
I’ll lose all the programs I know how to use
Have to re-enter all my log-ins and my passwords, too.
What looms ahead
Makes me feel tired.

But a vinyl record’s last first play just keeps it in a groove
Going’ round in circles every day, ‘stead of playing out its tune
I’d rather face one more first day and try to make it through
Learning new technology will keep me on the move.

My imaginary last first day is fading out in blue.
I’ve stopped wishing for a last first day of learning something new.
My horizon’s full of first days, a never-ending school.
I guess I’ll just reboot.

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