Dream the Impossible
Dream the Impossible began with a prompt from my songwriting group, and was completed to meet a deadline. Originally written on…
The Seed of Me. I wrote this song in the context of reading about Meister Eckhart’s four-fold path, the via positiva, via negative, via creativa and the via transformativa. This song is about the third path, the via creativa. It is about being birthed.
Words and music by Betsy Gonwa © 2011
In your hand, You hold the seed of me, a seed of the vine.
and say, “You are my precious one. Beloved, you are mine.”
The seed is whom I can become; it’s whom I can be.
My part is to believe You dwell in me.
The seed of me is whom I am; You plant me in your womb.
You’ll till the earth, let water fall, the sun will shine, and I will grow.
In the earth, I fall and there I rest, deep in the dark.
I don’t sprout, I don’t blossom, I’m a seed taking root.
I’ve opened up. I feel the sprout break forth. We’re both heading toward the light!
What cracked me open? Was it your love for me? Or was it my trust in You?
The seed produces holy fruit in my heart and my mind
that flows through me out to the world, the Spirit’s love divine.
Repeat Verse 1
This is a piece of art!