Grandma, Dad and the Beatles

From one generation to another, we all have ways of saying things. And we all have sayings that help us through difficult or uncertain times. Some of these sayings served as the inspiration for this song.

Words and music by Betsy Gonwa © 2020

The Beatles said it this way, “Let it be. Let it be.”
That’s how the Beatles said it, “Let it be.”
To let the present be the present is such a simple remedy.
I wonder why it’s so hard to let it be.

My grandma said it this way, “Come what may. Come what may.”
She lived in simple trusting of that statement day by day.
She wouldn’t close her eyes at the end of the day
Without trusting in come what may.

She’d be able to rise to that moment in time. She trusted come what may.
Let it be, come what may, so simple to say,
But a way of life that was foreign to me.

My dad, he said it this way, “Everything will be alright.”
“Everything will be okay. Things will work out.”
That’s what he’d say.
I still remember how his words calmed me one long ago day
And I believed that everything would be alright come what may.

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